Thursday, September 22, 2016

By The Power of Madonna

This week commemorates a momentous occasion for me. After almost ten years, I am switching jobs. Though I am not leaving the ad agency I’ve been working for, I am leaving my current position within Corporate Communications and heading to the Creative Department within the company. It’s a change I’ve been craving and though I’m nervous at the thought of starting a different job for the first time in a decade, I’m excited about the new opportunities that will come my way.

But luckily I already know I can kick ass in my new job. How do I know that? Because I’ve danced onstage with Madonna.

For those who don’t remember the barrage of social media posts: It was September 24th, 2015 (has it been a year already?!) and was quite possibly one of the most surreal, amazing and perfect experiences I have ever had. Had you told me back in my teenage years, when I was incessantly vogueing that I would one day walk down a catwalk with Madonna while holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes, I wouldn’t have believed you.

But at the same time, I probably would have believed you too. Because all throughout my life, there was never a question in my mind that one day I would meet her. I didn’t know how that opportunity would present itself, but I knew that I would. I just felt it. Deep down inside my rebel heart I knew that somehow I’d occupy the same space as the Queen.

So naturally, when she started her tour last year and the word got out that she was bringing fans up on stage, I thought that there might be a chance for me to finally have my moment. But the odds of actually being picked were so slim I didn't think it could ever happen to me. I may as well just enjoy the concert as a spectator, not as a participant. Boy, was I surprised!

I felt like that experience empowered me. That it shifted something inside my mind. If I can get up onstage with Madonna and dance in front of over 20,000 people, I can do anything I set my mind to!

I like to think it’s partially why my freelance photography career has finally come to life. For years I knew I wanted to do photography, but I just didn’t believe in myself. I always thought I had knack for taking pictures of people, but would I really be successful? I upgraded my equipment last September and have worked tirelessly most every weekend since to photograph as many different people as possible so I could get as much practice taking pictures as I could. I’ve also put together my first website and have had work featured on several websites (here, here and here for example). It’s not yet getting my work published on the cover of GQ magazine, but it’s a start.

Dancing with Madonna is also why I began craving change. Life is pretty amazing onstage with an Icon, but when you step back into reality, you realize that things are only as amazing as you make them. I had been in my current role for almost ten years, and while I had met so many wonderful people and done some interesting work and traveled to some great cities around the world, I felt that it was time to shake the system. I’d been working with a safety net and it was time to take it away.

I recently watched the Tony Robbins documentary “I Am Not Your Guru” (it’s on Netflix and you should watch it immediately. If you don’t have Netflix, get Netflix NOW. If not for the documentary, for the sheer awesome fact that they are reviving Gilmore Girls with four mini movies this November, and no I have no shame slinging free promotion for GG because that show is wonderful. Period.). Watching Tony’s movie I felt the same inspiration watching him help the various people featured, as I did reading his first book “Awaken the Giant Within.” Tony’s attitude is simple: Don’t waste any [more] time living a life that isn’t up to your full potential. I wholeheartedly agree. We never know what tomorrow may bring. Make it count – NOW.

At the end of the documentary Tony addresses all of the attendees who have come to his Date With Destiny workshop. He tells them that most of the time, in order for people to receive a life changing experience, they go to a concert, but that at that moment at the conference THEY are the concert. I really liked that idea. Being the concert.

Which brings me back to dancing on stage with Madonna. Now I know that not everyone will have an experience like that. And in the grand scheme of things, those three short minutes I had are far outweighed by the rest of my normal, “non Madonna” life. But trying to live the bestest and brightest life you can is of utmost importance.

So when I start my new job on Monday, if I’m feeling slightly nervous or overwhelmed, I can quietly hum a Madonna song to myself to help calm me down. It’ll be like a little prayer. (pun intended)

“Just shine your light like a beautiful star, show the world who you are.” –Madonna, ‘Iconic’


  1. <3 this. You will be awesome in your new role. How do I know? Because you already are awesome.

  2. <3 this. You will be awesome in your new role. How do I know? Because you already are awesome.
